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2024 elections | Agri-business raises concerns

File: The first black woman to be appointed as a judge in South Africa, Yvonne Mokgoro is sworn in at the first Constitutional Court’s opening ceremony in Johannesburg 14 February 1995. The Court was opened by President Nelson Mandela, who told the judges that they were expected to be “creative and independent” and not just another rubber stamp for government. 
File: View of the South African flag with a magnifying glass.

File: Construction and engineering tools.
Consumer Education
JOHANNESBURG – The country’s agribusiness sector is worried about of this week’s elections and the outcome.
The industry is concerned about policy uncertainty over land expropriation, bulk water infrastructure and modifications, as well as labour reforms.
Industry executives are calling on government to implement clear and solid policies.
Theo Boshoff, CEO of the Agricultural Business Chamber spoke with eNCA.  
